Tuesday 16 October 2012

Quickie Update; Crash Course World History

I have not posted for some time on here, partly because of lack of time and partly, because I have been lazy.  That admission aside, my plan is to make a short plug for a great series I came across today on youtube.

Anyone that has an interest in history, and especially those that don't have time to read up on it, should check out the series Crash Course World History.  These videos are presented by John Green and are fun AND educational, helped both by his snappy delivery and the colourful animations that help to visualise the past.  For those that are either short on time or attention span, the material is highly syndicated from large spans of the world's timeline,  cramming in as much as possible in 10 minutes, while still covering the most important, funny or gory bits.

Check out the video here, or search for "crash course world history" on youtube.

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