Thursday 26 September 2013

What can we do? What can we avoid?

A link to an article in the Stylist. The style is informal and light while the message is very relevant to the current time we find ourselves in. The article is a riot to read and starkly open minded.

It speaks directly of the possibilities for progression available to our species' civilisation, the choices we can make to improve our world,  and the horror of blindly accepting the status quo if we are too timid to challenge the conventional. See my earlier article on 'How bad is history? ' for a discussion point on this in more depth. 

King Leonidas asked, 'What can you do? '.  He was talking about his personal decision to meet a mortal threat head on, to defeat it; but in a socially unusual and unacceptable method, which others were too corrupt, cretinous and cowardly to understand. 

His rhetorical question underscores the bold choice he made to forgo quiet tradition in place of loud actions to safeguard his people.
Can we do the same today?

Thanks for reading.  

Stylist: Lucy Mangan: "We can cap house prices? WTF?"

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