Thursday 26 January 2017

So it's real, huh?

Yes it's real.  It'f funny, isn't it, that even knowing something intellectually it still takes direct proof, such as seeing it, to make it really stick - to resonate in the brain and really believe it.  Maybe it is a throwback to our lizard brain and the seat of emotion and consciousness in the limbic system.  Abstractly understating something just isn't really enough.  For something new to really penetrate us as beings we must grapple with it on an emotional and sensual level, below the cerebral.  For a new idea, fact or event to sink in it takes real-life proof, whatever form appropriate to the subject this proof takes.  

That is why examples used in learning are powerful; I find them particularly useful to help understand new ideas and to internalize what that idea means - it's repercussions, boundaries and how I will ultimately react to it, practically or emotionally.  While we are busy using our intellect for good, we should look for real world examples and use our emotional intelligence as well.

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