Friday 23 August 2013

A terrible piece of "work"

I originally was never going to publish this video.  It is hideous and it stands for everything I do not.  Having said, it occurred to me that it is theoretically possible that some people might like it.  That is a weak excuse, however, I do believe that art is a subjective function of a person's being, so if anyone finds it amusing then it has an existentially valid purpose.  People that like it are lucky, and anyone that does not like it can take some small measure of comfort in that I think it is terrible too.

Also, people should re-examine themselves and take a chill-pill once in a while.  I guarantee that if you hate this, you must value and take yourself more seriously than others ever do.  And that makes you stuck up by definition;

Please watch it, and then forget it.  It will take a lot more to get me to do this again this year.  I'm still traumatized from last year and there are still 2 pending investigations at work relating to sexual harassment, that were as a direct result of the slug.

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