Saturday 24 August 2013

Truth or Consequences?

A publication for which I have massive admiration, recently published an editorial article about a new commercial spaceport being built in the US, named (ta-da!) Spaceport America.  They commented that it is near the town Truth or Consequences, which is named after a radio show quiz (right... stay with me) from the 1950s, and that this name might be "undignified".

I could not disagree more.  Providing that the spaceport does advance science and discovery as much as its vision intends to, the name is serendipitously right on the mark.  We are an evolving species that is finding it difficult to strike a balance and stay at peace with each other and the environment.  Science offers the solutions to avoid catastrophe as we develop our society, improve our quality of life and take responsible stewardship of the planet.  

Are we there yet!?

The reason for science over ignorance and discovery over stagnation, can be aptly encapsulated by the phrase "truth or consequences".  How a society chooses to behave; either valuing science and discovery; or treating it with suspicion, derision and cool detachment (what has modern technology ever given us, right?); will have a profound effect on the end of that society.  It is the choice between prosperity, or degeneration.  Growth, or decay.

Truth or Consequences.  Do we want to seek out the truth?  If we don't, we will face the consequences...

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