Wednesday, 1 February 2017


Equality of outcome isn't equality at all. 

You would think that seeing the decline of the Soviet Union would be enough to make people realize this.  Clearly the lessons of history are being forgotten to the detriment of the west.  Forced equality by use of quotas, biased selection and excessive wealth redistribution only creates inefficiency.  It demotivates people and creates hatred for the government.  People need to beware such policies and be prepared to push back against social justice and its authoritarian methods. 

The test is simple.  If you let class, race, gender or any other arbitrary characteristic that doesn't influence someone's capability influence your decision, be it hiring or some other decision, you are doing it wrong.  The only factor that should influence your decision is merit.  How capable is the person and are they the right fit to be able to complete the task or job successfully.  Meritocracy (free from class bias or crony capitalism) is the most desirable state for our society to have. 

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