Saturday, 4 February 2017

Trump, TPP and Freedom

There is one thing that everyone can agree on about Trump, whether you like him or not; he is one of the few Presidents in history to actively and decisively enact his manifesto.  What most people are reacting to with shock about Trump deploying his programs and orders with rapidity, is nothing more than a habit, a conditioned response to expect government to be lethargic, obfuscating and to renege on its promises immediately on entering power.

Two weeks out from Trump's inauguration, he has already hit milestones.  It doesn't matter if you like or hate them, the fact is he is getting things done.  He didn't lie, he didn't back off, he didn't prevaricate; he delivered - and we should hope that he continues to do so.  He is listening and reacting to the feedback of the public and his colleagues, as can be seen in his change of his views on the use of torture techniques, in particular stemming from the comments from General Mattis.  

Trump has already killed off the TPP, a wealth concentration and sovereignty erosion mechanism intended to bolster NAFTA.  The mother-lode of these mechanisms are the publicly owned "central" banks that are at the heart of the economic and social destabilization of the world.  Using fiat currency, debt-backed money and fractional reserve banking, the Federal Reserve is the biggest and most dangerous of these corrupt private entities masquerading as public services.  Who knows, with some more support and backing from the population - the population he wants to help - Trump may even be able to take on a redesign of the Fed.  

This would make him the most courageous president since JFK - and we all know how that ended.  If anyone is wondering what the reference to Kennedy is, and how that is relevant, Kennedy was aiming at destroying these mechanisms that operate in the background to control all societies, including the US.  

We must not be afraid of being free; we only need to oppose those that would lie to control us

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